Still editing monica's pics. It's going to take a little bit, but they should be fresh.
planning a big memorial day art-b-que / reunion for a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a while. Should be fun!
Just found out 'm going to be part of a 3 man art show in cleveland with 2 of my buddies here. holy moses. i'm terrified, yet so excited!!
How was your day??
planning a big memorial day art-b-que / reunion for a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a while. Should be fun!
Just found out 'm going to be part of a 3 man art show in cleveland with 2 of my buddies here. holy moses. i'm terrified, yet so excited!!
How was your day??
That's rad. I need to get some stuff put together so I can show again. It's been a while and now I have tons of paintings.
DICKIES TONIGHT!! come celebrate your new roomies bday, and one of my very bestsestsrsrsrststst friends ever!!!