I swear to god there was a ghost in my room last night. I woke up in the middle of the night, and I looked down at the foot of my bed, and I swear I saw a guy with a fedora, a scarf around his face, and a tattered raggy jacket kinda looming over my bed. FREAKY!!
i know he needs to get the help for himself. i told him he needed to talk to someone, and his 'compromise' was that he wanted us to go to couples counselling..which is ridiculous because we'd only been dating for 3 months. i tried to tell him that was the reason for dating..to see what works and what doesn't.
he told me that I was the one who needed help and that if i wasn't so selfish and unwilling to compromise...and ARGH..just typing about it makes me mental.
he doesn't know anyone who's killed themselves..he just lurks on those message boards filled with people's fantasies or goodbye posts and says how 'jealous' he is of them. ugh..end topic....!
yup, got the form via email, thanks. pretty dumb way to handle ticket sales, but guess it's better than nothing. i'm going to be a no-show because i now have a big pitch scheduled for the 12th, and i know i'd be a zombie if doors aren't even until 9pm. but take pictures! if you can. =)