What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain until you see their specks dispersing? - Jack Kerouac
I've been writing, it's just all longhand and maybe tonight I'll get some things typed up. A lot of my writing has been journal stuff, can't really type that up. I do have a few stories in various states of completion I just need to get to typing. I will be home tonight and I should get things done, like laundry and cleaning and writing.
But I do have to go to work where I do most of my writing, it's just all longhand. I do need to grab lunch real quick, I've been super super bad about skipping meals lately and I think it's bringing about very much unwanted physical effects. Eat, work, home, write. Sounds good to me.
I've been writing, it's just all longhand and maybe tonight I'll get some things typed up. A lot of my writing has been journal stuff, can't really type that up. I do have a few stories in various states of completion I just need to get to typing. I will be home tonight and I should get things done, like laundry and cleaning and writing.
But I do have to go to work where I do most of my writing, it's just all longhand. I do need to grab lunch real quick, I've been super super bad about skipping meals lately and I think it's bringing about very much unwanted physical effects. Eat, work, home, write. Sounds good to me.