1am and bored out of my mind, so i guess this means its time to update the journal again. The only 2 things that really stand out in my mind right now are the fact that i will be leaving the country in about 5 days and get to be gone for 15. The trip should be amazing and all the fun stuff that comes with it. I hope to take alot of awesome pictures of the sights. The other thing is the people in my life. I am finding myself aggrevated or disgusted with about 90% of them so I suppose this trip away will be well needed. Help me to get away from all the people who make me go grrr and clear my head. Just to be away from them all for 2 weeks will def help bring the aggrevation levels down, and who knows... When i get back they might be acting "human" again. But i feel that may be a long shot.
The way people are makes me question alot of stuff... Is it the fact that most of the people in my life have changed and im just at the breaking point or is it me who changed. I'm assuming its me because i don't think everyone would become asses all at once. And if thats the case, what triggered my change. Can I change back? Will i be happier the way i was? Too many questions, too many "what ifs" i suppose. I guess im gonna hafta be patient and wait everything out and see... It wouldn't be so bad if i wasnt impatient.
The way people are makes me question alot of stuff... Is it the fact that most of the people in my life have changed and im just at the breaking point or is it me who changed. I'm assuming its me because i don't think everyone would become asses all at once. And if thats the case, what triggered my change. Can I change back? Will i be happier the way i was? Too many questions, too many "what ifs" i suppose. I guess im gonna hafta be patient and wait everything out and see... It wouldn't be so bad if i wasnt impatient.
welp, im hoping im part of that small 1%..cuz i loveeeeee you!!!
and we better get to hang out again before you leave me on the trip that i SHOULD be going on.. grr! anywho, you kno u can always talk to me darlin about annnnnnnything...and that i dont think you are evil or whatever and i like u for you, cuz if you werent you, uhm, well, i would be very upset! cuz YOU rule..and its proly just all the stoopid asses around you that suck balls.. drop a few names and ill GLADLY kick their asses.. im itchin for a fight right about now.. but u kno that already..
shake it easy..and cheer the FUCK up buddy!!!

You will always be apart of that small percentage of people.... don't worry about that dear.