What a crazy few days. I just wanna crawl in a hole and hide. A nice, peaceful shelter till everything goes away. I've been moody cause of stupid people picking fights over the dumbest things in the world. Like the fact that i never mentioned i was gonna go away to certain people before it became def. "How come you never mentioned it to me?!?" Sorry. I didn't realize i needed to run my plans by you first to get my passport in order. UGH.. stupid, selfish peoples. And on top of it today i had to work 1130-8. Which became 11-9. Work was crazy. Everyone and their mother were coming in I was a good 1 hour behind. At around 4 my head started to pound. By 7 i was starting to get nauseous. The pharmacy closed at 8 but i had to stay till 9 to finish up my work. Around 820 the nausea caught up with me. Man that wasnt fun
But once 9 rolled around i finished everything and ran out the door to get home. My head is still pounding but hopefully it will go away. I have to work again tomorrow 1130-8. If its busy like that again someone please shoot me in the face. please?
