Finally a moment to breathe and do all the things I have been neglecting for ages, like being on here, or sending out xmas cards (yes, i know xmas was ages ago
) Give me credit, at least I showered most days
Really hope things will turn around for the best this year, for myself and everyone else. 2005.....weren't we suppose to have flying cars by now?

Really hope things will turn around for the best this year, for myself and everyone else. 2005.....weren't we suppose to have flying cars by now?
i saw Douglas Adams talking about the future once and he had this huge magazine from the 50's of what they thought it would be like and it was all silver pants and bubble cars and stuff and he said there's something not shown in here that they missed...something obvious that everyone has but they didnt think of in the 50s..know what it was... a computer, nowhere was it mentioned. I wonder whats missing now from our vision of the future that hasn't been invented yet
Thanks for your support and understanding and I hope your 2005 will be better than 2004!