Merry Bloody Christmas My little Duckies!!
Things aren't Batshit/Bullshit anymore. Which is nice. Still the same ol same ol thingies (trying to find an apt in uptown or Downtown thats 'safe' for a little lady like me living alone is frustrating but i'm getting to it...slowly)
I hope you all have wonderful holidays, Take care of one another, Don't text when driving, it's bad for you and others (especially in THIS weather) and alos spend as much time looking after yourself as you do masturbating. Apparently they go hand in hand as long as you wash said hand before and after of course.
I'm going to make an Egg Sarny now as i'm hungry and thats my Christmas Dinner!! (At 1am)
yeah I know, I'm lame, but you love my lameness as Do I.
Things aren't Batshit/Bullshit anymore. Which is nice. Still the same ol same ol thingies (trying to find an apt in uptown or Downtown thats 'safe' for a little lady like me living alone is frustrating but i'm getting to it...slowly)
I hope you all have wonderful holidays, Take care of one another, Don't text when driving, it's bad for you and others (especially in THIS weather) and alos spend as much time looking after yourself as you do masturbating. Apparently they go hand in hand as long as you wash said hand before and after of course.

I'm going to make an Egg Sarny now as i'm hungry and thats my Christmas Dinner!! (At 1am)
yeah I know, I'm lame, but you love my lameness as Do I.
Hope you had a great Christmas, what are your plans for new years then? x
Did you end up finding a place that was safe? We were looking at a house in St. Paul but the part of the city was bad news bears.