What a week!
My lilttle sister cam to stay for a bit,it was great! we went minigolfing, state fair and i picked up a new kitten whose name is "Lamp" (i love lamp)
4 days ago we found out kitty has feline leukemia which menas she doesn't have long left, but at least she is here with me rather than that nasty barn she was in with all those sick cats in the cold with no food.
I had a feeling she wasn;t well, but i couldn't let a 4 week old kitty be by herself.
My lilttle sister cam to stay for a bit,it was great! we went minigolfing, state fair and i picked up a new kitten whose name is "Lamp" (i love lamp)
4 days ago we found out kitty has feline leukemia which menas she doesn't have long left, but at least she is here with me rather than that nasty barn she was in with all those sick cats in the cold with no food.
I had a feeling she wasn;t well, but i couldn't let a 4 week old kitty be by herself.

omg too friggin adorable!