Me having the most random mind i come up with useless information in my sleep. and when i'm awake. In fact i'm not sure there is a difference to be honest. Either way...this is what i got for today.
As we all know, men don't give a fuck who's watchig when they fondle their play pen. They'd adjust their nuts with the queens face right there if they could (of course it's funny to them to think or imagine the queen farting in the first place)
Ladies, we all do it, but we are discreet...or are we? Lets see how many people have SEEN a lady do te following.
1: the pocket itch. Ladies dig deep in the pockets to find change and...Ahhh no more butt cheek or rim of the panty itch anymore.
2: The "tuck your shirt in" thong adjustment. Seriously how deep in your pants does your shirt need to go? Wait your not tucking it in!!
3: the "mad dash to the bathroom dual buttcheek scratch". You're in a meeting, your buttcheek has been itchy for hours. Your thong keeps rubbing against the damn tailbone area and it's driving you nuts!! Meeting over, you dash to the bathroom and as soon as the door's locked you sit, and do the double hand scratch from buttcheek to lower back and isn't it nice? HEHE
4:The swimsuit adjustment scratch. Your swim suit rides up, you pull it back down with a quick click of your nail the scratch is gone...for now.
5: The Elevator corner scritchathon. it's [retty self explanable.
6: The Loud Mouth Bass Elevator lady. Who only says this "I have a really itchy arse" and everyone turns away from her so she can scratch in peace.
7:The tightenting of the buttcheeks and constantly move them from side to side scratch. Doesn't work, but helps you maintain a brave face and stops the itching from becoming unbearable
8: the put something in your back pocket and remove it technique. If it's hard and has corners it could work. or keys....
9: The Sex Scratch. You're in the nmiddle of getting a jolly good rogering and damit, itchy butt cheeks. Rather than you doing it you sly thing, you grabbed HIS hands and made him scratch your back, your ass cheeks, you shoulder...full package, job well done!
10: and of course, theres the 'i don't care i'll scratch what ever whenever" lady. Walking down the street you see an outright grab for the panties and yeah i'm stopping there...thats gross.
Thanks for joining. I'm going to go and watch a moooovie
As we all know, men don't give a fuck who's watchig when they fondle their play pen. They'd adjust their nuts with the queens face right there if they could (of course it's funny to them to think or imagine the queen farting in the first place)
Ladies, we all do it, but we are discreet...or are we? Lets see how many people have SEEN a lady do te following.
1: the pocket itch. Ladies dig deep in the pockets to find change and...Ahhh no more butt cheek or rim of the panty itch anymore.
2: The "tuck your shirt in" thong adjustment. Seriously how deep in your pants does your shirt need to go? Wait your not tucking it in!!
3: the "mad dash to the bathroom dual buttcheek scratch". You're in a meeting, your buttcheek has been itchy for hours. Your thong keeps rubbing against the damn tailbone area and it's driving you nuts!! Meeting over, you dash to the bathroom and as soon as the door's locked you sit, and do the double hand scratch from buttcheek to lower back and isn't it nice? HEHE
4:The swimsuit adjustment scratch. Your swim suit rides up, you pull it back down with a quick click of your nail the scratch is gone...for now.
5: The Elevator corner scritchathon. it's [retty self explanable.
6: The Loud Mouth Bass Elevator lady. Who only says this "I have a really itchy arse" and everyone turns away from her so she can scratch in peace.
7:The tightenting of the buttcheeks and constantly move them from side to side scratch. Doesn't work, but helps you maintain a brave face and stops the itching from becoming unbearable
8: the put something in your back pocket and remove it technique. If it's hard and has corners it could work. or keys....
9: The Sex Scratch. You're in the nmiddle of getting a jolly good rogering and damit, itchy butt cheeks. Rather than you doing it you sly thing, you grabbed HIS hands and made him scratch your back, your ass cheeks, you shoulder...full package, job well done!
10: and of course, theres the 'i don't care i'll scratch what ever whenever" lady. Walking down the street you see an outright grab for the panties and yeah i'm stopping there...thats gross.
Thanks for joining. I'm going to go and watch a moooovie

I have seen #4 many times at the beach. Must be a sand issue.

Haha, very entertaining post. I am sure I have seen many of these fine examples.