Goddamn I hate the fumes from hair bleach! I tried to hold my breath as best I could but I had to breathe every now and then. I guess I should have had a wet rag ready to inhale through since my bathroom is small and lacks ventilation. I will definitely remember that next time!
I'm dying my hair bright red. Not bozo red, but like, strawberry red. Fake looking though as I'm using Splat. The color is called Luscious Raspberries.
I usually have to dye it more than once to achieve the desired results but we'll see what ends up happening here. I usually have to bleach about three times in a row - my hair can take sequential bleachings without breaking off or falling out but it definitely becomes damaged and dead eventually doing that and I would not recommend that anyone else do this as I hear it's kind of an unusual quality that it's been able to stand up to multiple bleachings every couple of months.
Fortunately it was still this extremely pale pinkish/lavender color, so I didn't focus too much on anything but the top of my hair and the roots. I did put some on the tresses so that it will hopefully all come out matching but we'll see what ends up happening.
I should have gotten a second kit though. There's no way there's going to be enough dye in the bottle to get it fully saturated the way this blue that I did came out...
And here's the bleach job that preceded the one I just did which I used to go underneath that blue...
The reason why it needed another bleach job was that it had lightened up since I did the blue to this weird color...
It was even lighter tonight as that was several weeks ago... I'm debating an idea here in the last eight minutes before washing this out which is that I've got a big bottle of hot pink and I'm wondering what color it would make or look like if I mix the two. I'm thinking about taking portions of each which will match the same fraction of red to pink - there's less red - and mixing a tablespoon of pink with a teaspoon of red and then doing a strand test. Because if it comes out cool looking, I'll just mix the two colors together in a bowl. Oh yeah, here's what the hot pink looks like... It's called Pink Fetish.
It's almost time to wash the bleach out now. I'll take some pictures of the results from the bleaching plus the strand testing because I'm probably going to just cut three small samples and tape them down on some white paper after I test the red, the pink, and the mix and then pick from one of those. And naturally I will post pics of the end results.
In the meantime I'll see if I can find any other random or interesting videos and pictures of myself as I think it's relatively important to regularly be adding content to your page if you want people to look at it and follow you.
Over 'n' out!