So! I finally came to a decision about what to do with finishing my hair. If you haven't been at all following my current hair color escapade, two nights ago? Three nights ago? A few nights ago, I attempted to dye my light purple hair.
Upon bleaching it, the roots became a sort of bright yellow and the portions that had already been bleached incredibly...
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I was just mentioning in another post how he eats inanimate objects and thus has to get these VERY costly X-Rays and MRIs of his stomach every six months. This one takes the cake though. You remember those Rock Em Sock Em Robots from the 80s that was a kid's board game? I found it all torn up because it was being stored on the bottom most floor shelf of a sliding door closet last week. I noticed both robots were no where to be found. While scooping poop yesterday in my backyard, I located both the red guy AND the blue guy, totally unchewed and in one single bowel movement! Fortunately there wasn't any blood or anything. I believe he's fine as he's eating and playing. It's just so damned weird because he gets excessive attention and eating inanimate objects like that is generally an activity that very bored and neglected dogs will do when stuck all alone indoors for hours upon hours every single day. Cubby is such a weirdo sometimes, lol! The vet has just termed it Idiopathic Canine Pica.
So here's how it turned out... I have another packet of bleach and am debating whether or not I need to do it again to get Mother Of Dragons white or if this will create a consistent shade throughout with the ruby on top? Opinions?
Love this
So lovely