I am still getting the feel of this site. I keep looking at groups and finding new people who interest me and might want to be my friend. Sorry if I am confusing anyone eeek
Happy Turkey Day oink oink
Happy New Year!!!
Wow, I love having new friends! SG is so fun. Sorry not to have talked in couple of days but I've been sick. Boo hoo me puke I'll talk to everyone tomorroww.
No thoughts are stupid. I really enjoy any kind of thoughts. Thinking is a lost art. Expand on these thoughts and let me in. wink
I think I am still flying by the seat of my pants (hot pants that is), ha, ha!
I had a great time last night with some friends at a club watching a local band. They were kinda Def Tones sounding. My friend Butchie was so drunk doing the "drunkin'-monkey, air-humpin', slut dance"! It was so funny. Somewhat pornographic. I love my guy friends! I wish I had cool chick friends like that.
My poor husband just got pretty much ripped off doing...
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let's chat more when I'm not in a hurry to get low and watch tv.

Very interested in talking to you and your husband about my next tattoo (after tomorrow's).

I'm preparing to face your most humbling moment in October. Didn't expect to feel this way...

Good to have you on the site. Let's see some pics of your tats!! And your hubby too!
Hey, thanks for the little email. How'd you do that?

Hell, I haven't even figured out how to make my fave SG's appear on my journal heading so that everyone, male and female, can apprieciate my tastes in Women. And it seems the photo load up is just too freaking small Kb wise for any more photos.

Adult promotions? Hmmmm...That's pretty vague,,, but intriguing. I'm always impressed by a girl who's O.K. with porn and strippers. The best part about going to strip bars with women is I get far more attention than, " Want a private dance?" Strippers are extremely interesting to talk to. And the women I escort are also willing to talk about the darnest things. Fasinating really.

Your Inking Hubby should do what my Hair dresser ( Who's a friend.) does. She has "friends" rates: Slightly lower than her regular clients and the deal is you only get friend rates if your a good tipper. 15% at least.

If your his muse, (God I wish I had a muse... I 've got tonnes of female friends. No muses. ) I hope to see some of his work soon.
I feel very retarded. I entered something on the newbies and clicked it twice. Oh well, sorry.
Hey,we're newbies! smile
We're allowed to do stuff like that in the newbie group. wink
You can always go into that second entry and edit it. Add something new....

Welcome...I'm pretty new here too..

[Edited on Sep 23, 2005 2:01AM]
I am so mad at my former employer My ex-boss is such a little puke !!! Yeah, you Cary! mad
Hello, today is my first day on the SG site. I have heard so much about this site and have been asked if I am a SG when I go out. So here I am! I am not too computer savvy but I'll try confused I am really looking for cool, positive, strong, girrlfriends, especially in my area to hang out with. My husband is a...
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I heard there were going to be SG's at the burlesque convention in San Francisco on Sunday, October 2, 2005. True? confused