I spent the whole weekend in class...Internet Fundamentals and Design. Our professor for the class is really cool...he's a librarian, of course, but he's young and quite tech-savvy, a good teacher, and also just very nice, very personable. Unfortunately, you don't always find ALL of those qualities in those who choose to be library school professors. Sometimes the only one of those qualities you find is the, uh, librarian part!!
After two days of coding and chatting, I now have a blog at blogger, a Bloglines account, a Flickr account, and a good solid grasp of the basics of coding tables, finally!
I also have an AWESOME quote from an article about MySpace: "MySpace in the 2000s is what the malt shop was in the 1950sif the malt shop could hold 65 million adolescents, many of whom had no qualms about showing pictures of themselves half drunk in their underwear."
Haha, classic!!!
When I got to the condo after class today, Monkey and I headed out to Ikea to feather our nest a bit. We came home with a new bookshelf (that we thought matched the two he already had, but which, when put together, is a good foot taller. Oh well, it looks good between the other two!), a tiny little desk for the Monkey, an occasional table to replace the shelf-thingie on one wall, and a spice rack for me, because I love spices and have lotsandlots....and all this for only $170. Curse you, Ikea, and your affordable, attractive furniture!!!
And now, having finished the paper due Wednesday, it's time for this Lady to lay back and reeeee-lax. Aaaaahhhh! (<----reeee-laxed sigh)

After two days of coding and chatting, I now have a blog at blogger, a Bloglines account, a Flickr account, and a good solid grasp of the basics of coding tables, finally!
I also have an AWESOME quote from an article about MySpace: "MySpace in the 2000s is what the malt shop was in the 1950sif the malt shop could hold 65 million adolescents, many of whom had no qualms about showing pictures of themselves half drunk in their underwear."
Haha, classic!!!
When I got to the condo after class today, Monkey and I headed out to Ikea to feather our nest a bit. We came home with a new bookshelf (that we thought matched the two he already had, but which, when put together, is a good foot taller. Oh well, it looks good between the other two!), a tiny little desk for the Monkey, an occasional table to replace the shelf-thingie on one wall, and a spice rack for me, because I love spices and have lotsandlots....and all this for only $170. Curse you, Ikea, and your affordable, attractive furniture!!!

And now, having finished the paper due Wednesday, it's time for this Lady to lay back and reeeee-lax. Aaaaahhhh! (<----reeee-laxed sigh)
it was my little friend. i talked to it since i hadn't seen any people in like 2 hours.