Going to attempt to do the longest blog in history.
So let's get started...
Shit gets boring after two years, theres only so many different ways to explore one person, you want other people its natural. Doesnt mean you dont love the person. That you havent cherished every moment of being with them and that the anticipation of the future with them doesnt make you grin. Or are we just still looking for someone better when we fool around? Is love only valid if you dont desire other people? Is there an ideal love? Or just complicated relationships that you stay in and put up with the negatives as well as positive even though those negatives are eating you alive? The latter sounds much more likely to me. I dont believe I could love someone forever. I just think of the woman Emma Thompson plays in Love Actually. I find that the saddest portrayal of the plight women face realizing their husband would rather have a newer copy. But he still loves you and needs you. But he doesnt want you, like that, anymore. Feeling old and dowdy and past your use by date. Men want to fuck fertile woman. Older woman are not fertile. I guess its just something you have to release. Know that you have the time of being young and desired and be ready for a time when that element of your life will be over. Look to other things. Of course this doesnt mean you dont have sex, but youre not the perfect youthful carefree woman you were and that changes things. Does it mean less power? Are men held in orbit of us because of our pussies? I feel the need to be constantly desired and appreciated. That needs to change somehow. Im may be somewhat desired but not appreciated. Doesnt feel that way anyway. Maybe you get what you deserve when it all talliess up?
Can sex really be only a physical act? Does it bond you at all to the person? If youre not emotionally invested surely your emotions cant be touched? Just flesh on (in) flesh. Ive heard some information from a not extremely reliable source but it makes a certain amount of sense so Im going to go with it anyway so apparently woman have the hormone oxytocin (or something) released when they have sex with a man, and this hormone produces feelings of attachment. Evolutionary wise is makes sense, you might be pregnant to this man, you need him around to look after your child (Im not saying the woman is thinking this consciously, this is an evolutionary instinct, I believe anyway), you need his protection, his food, his help while youre a whale. If he gave you four orgasms then you might be simply worshipping his sexual prowess and that you want that AGAIN. Now this is something I want to know when a man fucks a woman (Im doing the straight version as Im straight..mainly..) anyway when a man fucks a woman is he thinking only about her body or about her too? I know its a stupid question but I mainly mean with casual sex. Just humping away at something or is it in your mind that this person is like this, and you like thatetc. Not the whole time but just one thought. What reasons that arent superficial would you have for not having it be more than sex? What would make you want more than sex from the person? Besides the elusive like yes like, but why?
The pill fucks up our kids, you know that? So many women are on the pill when meeting a partner, you tend to come off it when trying for a baby. We use smell to pick our best partner, something about variances in immune systems, its best to be with someone who has one different to your own. And you know this by smell, pheromones. And what the pill does is it takes that sense of smell away. You dont become attracted to the right men and therefore your children suffer. How much I don't know.
I wonder what puts men off me. I do, because I dont think Im that bad. I can talk about almost anything with some knowledge. I like video games. I like pool and poker, came second on Wednesday got a 50 dollar bar tab hell yes, came third two weeks before just need first now, 100 bucks. Im not an idiot, and Im a relatively good personI love treating a guy well anyway, pretty subservient. Maybe men want women who do womanly things what are they again? Manicures? Ponies? Not let you go out with the boys? Cuts back your alcohol use? None of that with me well be drinking beer and snuggling until we have drunk sex. And being fucking glad youve gone out for the night so I can be ALONE. Not being so selfish as to want you just to myself. And give support whenever you need it. Yeah. And big boobs too.
Can you tell I have no one to talk to? No one gives a shit about anything I have to say. I must be either very boring or on a different wavelength or something. Oh no, not teenage not being understood crap. But really, not many people get me. Cause Im so enigmatic. Not.
Watching Eddy Murphy RAW I love it.
Probably add more soon Im just writing down random thoughts in Word and gonna copy and paste it into the blog, I realize I sound like a fool. Too many thoughts to make concise (FAIL) and things to illustrate properly (FAIL). Maybe if I start writing a lot itll get easier to write what I actually mean without sounding clich/dramatic/trivial.
Right time for more weed. Hahaha (yeah fucking buzzed rant).
Right so a few hours later.
I love Dylan Moran. Watch the end part of this. Or all of it.
So let's get started...
Shit gets boring after two years, theres only so many different ways to explore one person, you want other people its natural. Doesnt mean you dont love the person. That you havent cherished every moment of being with them and that the anticipation of the future with them doesnt make you grin. Or are we just still looking for someone better when we fool around? Is love only valid if you dont desire other people? Is there an ideal love? Or just complicated relationships that you stay in and put up with the negatives as well as positive even though those negatives are eating you alive? The latter sounds much more likely to me. I dont believe I could love someone forever. I just think of the woman Emma Thompson plays in Love Actually. I find that the saddest portrayal of the plight women face realizing their husband would rather have a newer copy. But he still loves you and needs you. But he doesnt want you, like that, anymore. Feeling old and dowdy and past your use by date. Men want to fuck fertile woman. Older woman are not fertile. I guess its just something you have to release. Know that you have the time of being young and desired and be ready for a time when that element of your life will be over. Look to other things. Of course this doesnt mean you dont have sex, but youre not the perfect youthful carefree woman you were and that changes things. Does it mean less power? Are men held in orbit of us because of our pussies? I feel the need to be constantly desired and appreciated. That needs to change somehow. Im may be somewhat desired but not appreciated. Doesnt feel that way anyway. Maybe you get what you deserve when it all talliess up?
Can sex really be only a physical act? Does it bond you at all to the person? If youre not emotionally invested surely your emotions cant be touched? Just flesh on (in) flesh. Ive heard some information from a not extremely reliable source but it makes a certain amount of sense so Im going to go with it anyway so apparently woman have the hormone oxytocin (or something) released when they have sex with a man, and this hormone produces feelings of attachment. Evolutionary wise is makes sense, you might be pregnant to this man, you need him around to look after your child (Im not saying the woman is thinking this consciously, this is an evolutionary instinct, I believe anyway), you need his protection, his food, his help while youre a whale. If he gave you four orgasms then you might be simply worshipping his sexual prowess and that you want that AGAIN. Now this is something I want to know when a man fucks a woman (Im doing the straight version as Im straight..mainly..) anyway when a man fucks a woman is he thinking only about her body or about her too? I know its a stupid question but I mainly mean with casual sex. Just humping away at something or is it in your mind that this person is like this, and you like thatetc. Not the whole time but just one thought. What reasons that arent superficial would you have for not having it be more than sex? What would make you want more than sex from the person? Besides the elusive like yes like, but why?
The pill fucks up our kids, you know that? So many women are on the pill when meeting a partner, you tend to come off it when trying for a baby. We use smell to pick our best partner, something about variances in immune systems, its best to be with someone who has one different to your own. And you know this by smell, pheromones. And what the pill does is it takes that sense of smell away. You dont become attracted to the right men and therefore your children suffer. How much I don't know.
I wonder what puts men off me. I do, because I dont think Im that bad. I can talk about almost anything with some knowledge. I like video games. I like pool and poker, came second on Wednesday got a 50 dollar bar tab hell yes, came third two weeks before just need first now, 100 bucks. Im not an idiot, and Im a relatively good personI love treating a guy well anyway, pretty subservient. Maybe men want women who do womanly things what are they again? Manicures? Ponies? Not let you go out with the boys? Cuts back your alcohol use? None of that with me well be drinking beer and snuggling until we have drunk sex. And being fucking glad youve gone out for the night so I can be ALONE. Not being so selfish as to want you just to myself. And give support whenever you need it. Yeah. And big boobs too.
Can you tell I have no one to talk to? No one gives a shit about anything I have to say. I must be either very boring or on a different wavelength or something. Oh no, not teenage not being understood crap. But really, not many people get me. Cause Im so enigmatic. Not.
Watching Eddy Murphy RAW I love it.
Probably add more soon Im just writing down random thoughts in Word and gonna copy and paste it into the blog, I realize I sound like a fool. Too many thoughts to make concise (FAIL) and things to illustrate properly (FAIL). Maybe if I start writing a lot itll get easier to write what I actually mean without sounding clich/dramatic/trivial.
Right time for more weed. Hahaha (yeah fucking buzzed rant).

Right so a few hours later.
I love Dylan Moran. Watch the end part of this. Or all of it.
I have never been in a relationship long enough for it to come up but I have been on the other side as the person someone took the time away for and I admit that I was jealous of her partner. I think all you can really do is accept that you are going to be jealous and it makes it a little easier to deal with. If we didn't have those feelings it would probably mean we didn't really care about the person anyway.
yeah weed!