I did my first and only (so far) shoot on the 26th of December, today, the 22nd of January, just short of a month, i write a blog to answer this question, "“How has SG changed your life?” How has finding and/or modeling for Suicide Girls affected your life, your self esteem, relationships and friendships?"
My answer: before i could even say Suicide Hopeful, my life was completely turned around. before i could even blink, i was accepted, not only as a fellow hopeful BUT as a friend. what was even more mind blowing, was that in a time of need, this group of extraordinary girls stuck by my side, was there for me ALL the way, more so then some of the friends i have known my whole life. you ask how SG has changed my life, and my answer is one that im sure majority, if not all will agree with me.... before i became a hopeful, it was about celebrating my passion, it was about expressing my obsession, it was about sharing my one and only love with other like minded souls. Now that i am a hopeful, ive realised just how much more it is, then what i thought. becoming a hopeful has, in just a month, taught me more about myself then i ever have in my 24 years. becoming a hopeful has introduced me to friends i have made for life. becoming a hopeful has awakened other passions from inside that i thought were long gone. becoming a hopeful has made me realise that my dreams aren't big enough and that i must achieve more. but the thing i am most grateful for SG is that the family i belong too has restored my faith in friendships, and humans in general, purely because each and every single one of them, have the most genuine of hearts and the biggest amount of love to give
So, my answer to your question is that i thank you for the opportunity i have been given in being apart of one beautiful,( inside and skin deep), family. and the journey ahead only but excites me. i cant wait to meet more of you. my answer to your question is that becoming a hopeful has set achieving my dreams in motion, and becoming a hopeful has made me feel like i belong>
You guys are amazing, keep on rocking on
much love and light
ah so glad its been a positive step in your life <3