OMGGG.. there's one guy WHO is apparently my friend *coz we're in the same hang-out group*, OMGGGG.. he told me he used to like me, but after that he could only see me as a friend. Then I asked him why he told me that all of sudden and he thought that I was making a big deal why he said "treated me as a...
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I can see that. "I used to like you, but I could never say anything because I didn't have any BALLS. So now that I 'm over you/know I never had a chance, I'm going to play it off like I'm a big man and shit."

Silly Jackass
That guy sounds like a complete wanker.

i agree with kyoko...he must be kicked in the balls with big steel toed boots.

*much pirate like anger*
Went to Haunted House today.. It wasn't that much of a fun tho.. I was expecting something scarier than that. Wasted my 10 bucks for a 10 minute walk. Guess that's how they got money from us fools eh?

After that, we hit Austin. Ate in Coco's Cafe, Order taro bubble tea and chicken nugget hehe. Tasted mm mmm goooddd.. smile

Next thing, we hit arcade...
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