If I could title this post I would title it just "HuckleButt".
For those of you who have never heard this term, well I'm sorry. If you don't know what a Hucklebutt is, you just don't know what you're missing. This term is specific to one breed of dog. The English Bull Terrier.
Here's Mine. Her name is Sophie, and she is dressed up like a butterfly. (It was for a calendar I made for my grandmother, I don't generally dress my dog up.)
If you're still wondering what the hell a Hucklebutt is, well, I can't describe it, so I'll send you to a youtube link. This is NOT my dog btw.
Yes, my dog does this. On a daily basis.
People always say to me, well I don't have a BT, and my dog freaks out like that. Well, I'm sure all dogs freak out from time to time, but this behavior really is breed specific. EVERY single bull terrier owner will tell you. This isn't the only strange behavior they have, there's more, but ill get into that another day. For now, Hucklebutting! Go on. Google it. See what you find.
For those of you who have never heard this term, well I'm sorry. If you don't know what a Hucklebutt is, you just don't know what you're missing. This term is specific to one breed of dog. The English Bull Terrier.

Here's Mine. Her name is Sophie, and she is dressed up like a butterfly. (It was for a calendar I made for my grandmother, I don't generally dress my dog up.)
If you're still wondering what the hell a Hucklebutt is, well, I can't describe it, so I'll send you to a youtube link. This is NOT my dog btw.
Yes, my dog does this. On a daily basis.
People always say to me, well I don't have a BT, and my dog freaks out like that. Well, I'm sure all dogs freak out from time to time, but this behavior really is breed specific. EVERY single bull terrier owner will tell you. This isn't the only strange behavior they have, there's more, but ill get into that another day. For now, Hucklebutting! Go on. Google it. See what you find.