December 5th is my 30th. I am throwing a party at Boneta that night and I'm having a cake with my image on it.
This maybe?
Or maybe I'll draw a cartoon of myself? I am a cartoon of myself most days.
I know for sure that I'm going to look really cute & invite tonnes of people. Want to come by for cake and booze? Fer sure, you can totally come! I like Hello Kitty, and hairpins with sparkly doodads on them. But you don't have to get me anything, really.
What are you dressing as for Hallowe'en? I am the "Hostess With The Mostess" which was inspired by the Amy Sedaris book, "I Like You." I have a penchant for early 70s hostessing gowns-the ones that are all quilty and crafted of slidy material? Long and high necked. I just need spice coloured panthose, as I have the right shoes. And a sash that says "Try My Pie"
Not the quilty dress I was trying for but I did get masturbated at while looking at it in the second hand store. The place was a gongshow because it was the day after Welfare Wednesday, & on top of that you had 7533 screamy teenage girls trying on stuff for Hallowe'en; a pederast's fun fair!
I'm Thankful...
For boys that go fetch tequila shooters & pineapple wedges from the bar across the street My Canadian Thanksgiving meal consisted of Vietnamese crepes with duck, fig & pear salad, creme brulee and pumpkin tartlets. And champagne. And shooters! Yay! Seriously, try pineapple. Waaaaay better than lime.
Enough about me. Let's talk about you! What do you think of me?
I have been working some more and we had a super-mega-huge Thanksgiving feast. Pie grabbing hobos! It was awful, because a lot of people needed to eat, and others would eat their food, get up & switch seats to get more. I didn't recognize half the attendees and i'm pretty sure they weren't members, but I had zero time to fret because when crazy people are hungry, it is just mayhem. I did have time in the end to take a few pictures of the slimy bucket of brussel sprouts & the few people I like:
Spyder's hair is mega big:
He didn't tell this guy I was staff so dude asked me out on a date! Yeah! Where are we gonna go? Dinner at the Carnegie? Ok! Your shelter or mine? Not to mention, you have three teeth.
He's ok, just not my type. That & I can't date clients?
David, ahem, Suzuki, working reception. Na ha! His name is Lance and he wears bunny slippers in the summertime. I luff him.
This guy, Norm, is one of my favourite clients. He's a great artist, and has 1.5" long eyelashes. I'm fixing up his ipod for him because he can't figure out the newfangled technology, so now I have tonnes of great new jazz to listen to from his cd collection!
In November I'm taking care of this sweet puppers, her name is Joy and she has the funniest chicken legs. Cuuuuuuuute.
This dog, oh my christ. Worst dogsitting job ever. It pissed all over the house. Was on a special diet due to intestinal trouble, but STOLE PRODUCE on our walk by the grocery. Ate gum off the sidewalk. Ate shit, leaves, paper, whatever. i was constantly trying to find stuff on the road to steer away from, but he always found something gross. The area I was housesitting in is a hugely social community too, lots of dogs and people all lounging at coffee shops and outdoor patio cafes. But Rodger? Major killer dog. And he was a weiner dog, for shit's sake. Yep, you just stay under the blanket, Rodger, it's better this way.
Phew, super long posting session, & I kept finding typos to edit. Hope you enjoyed my update! I love you!
Oh yeah!! Before I go, look at what happened to my advil in the bathroom!