B]SCHMEDITED!!! to add more silly pictures & whatnot...
It snowed so hard yesterday and this morning. It was pretty to watch and I've been pyjama clad and dozy on cold meds all weekend, so I have been musing on the giant ploppy snow flakes; there was a really quaint scene involving a white-tummied squirrel eating seeds outside the kitchen window. Being the crass person I am, my thoughts went directly to how fluffy soft his fur would be, lining my gloves.
Or he would make one, nice, slipper.
Then after dinner tonight I was quite drunk and thinking about how much more convenient it would be to be a primordial dwarf and be carried everywhere in this weather. NOT a bird headed dwarf but primordial which is much more proportionate.
Then my shoes would never get dirty because I wouldn't have to step in 4 inches of sloppy slushy storm drain backwash crossing the street to the grill that gave me garlic mouth.
Like her, but older and fancier. More jewelry and fur.
I don't mean to make light of her health situation, obvy, but seriously, that little girl is the nicest looking dwarf I have ever seen. She has been featured on TLC and goddamit, need to be dipped in gold or something.
ANYWAYS, eggplants
it's Joost Effler's work and theres a whole bunch of books out on "Food For Thought," I'll never buy them but like looking at them in the art gallery bookshop and getting them all smudgey.
What I would like to buy is this
I'm hoping it will end up under my birthday tree, because as you know my birthday's coming up quick in only 3 more sleeps actually. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
omg, that 5 year old little screamy sticky wristed birthday kid is hard to contain sometimes.
Augh, nacht, Tore just got up and crabappled me about typing too heartily.
from the pee bucket stint 24 hours of saving one's pee for analysis is not an activity for the non gymnastically inclined
aaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuugggggggghhhhhhhh I'll be back to edit in more pics tomo (sorry, Rin!!) Keystrokes of thunder....
bonjours, toujours
So I took these pictures whilst I was sick, totally irrational, & trying to set up my terribly important Christmas decorating. Pressing matters, you see. Needed to be documented.
They are ALL bleary and swirly, and I was going to toss them all but then realized, HEY the swirliness is exactly how the inside of my head sounds! I had a horrible sonic-boomy, wah-wah pedal distortion in between my ears at the back of my head. Leeloo is very helpful in all aspects of furniture arranging, but needs to finish her milk that she pesters for...
So then we beat up this plastic step stool that collapsed under my massive weight of 111lbs....
Then we tied a scarf on the dog and laughed at her confusion, because she's old and demented and has one toof but is so soooooo cute in a sad way
LeeLoo let her only sit on the fringe of the rug by the fireplace. There is dischord amongst mes animaux!!
Decorated! But I need to go out and procure taper candles that are dripless so I can actually use my new candlabra! Wooweeee
That creepy french tp roll guy is my computer "friend" who can go in the garbage now because he's been documented....au revoir, pierre
I don't know why I said 'belated' birthday... Didn't realize the 5th was today. haha
I don't think I'd ever pay $125 for a dress, and I've always considered myself very fancy.