I made this last month and I'm taking it to San Diego on Sunday where it will grace the wall of Rin & Mr. Rin's home. I might have just ruined the surprise but ooooohhh! there will be more surprises for them in my suitcase besides one lil' 10x10" paintin'! They will be pleasantly surprised and/or horrified, perhaps even mildly amused?

yes yes, I can't WAIT until Sunday morning to go with my gramma and my mum (who are both hilar) We catch our flight at the breaka dawn, landing in SoCal round noon I think. Oceanslime, to be exact. My gramma's sister has lived there for a million years but speaks wih a British accent and everything is terribly proper. She's NEVER lived anywhere near the UK so it's confusing as to why she speaks the way she does. It's going to be a fun week visiting her, my mum's cousins and the Rin's hus-bots family. Oh yeah. You too Greg!!
My arm just started having a fever but that's nothing compared to last night's mumps panic attack. I DO NOT HAVE THE MUMPS, i kept telling myself. And I don't have them! Why did the old black and white people of yesteryear tie on the rabbit-ear hankies? I'm guessing it's to relieve pressure? Look GREG IT SAYS GREG:

I had a visit from a little honeybee on Saturday night. My grampa was an avid beekeeper/honey producer so my first thought when I saw it was "oh! Grampa's sending a little visitor to check in & say hello!" It was the sweetest little bee and sat very docile on my stove range-hood while I petted it. Later in the middle of the night I dreamt about giving my gramma a lot of hugs. So I went yesterday and gave her a lot of hugs in real-life, but I don't know if I will tell her about my bee visit, because then she will tell my mum and everyone will cry. Maybe I will draw it out and mail it to her.
Oh and one more thing I have to write is that [MEMBER=Stop Snitchin'] is so mega interesting and I am having so much fun talking to him!
kissa kiss an' goodnight,

yes yes, I can't WAIT until Sunday morning to go with my gramma and my mum (who are both hilar) We catch our flight at the breaka dawn, landing in SoCal round noon I think. Oceanslime, to be exact. My gramma's sister has lived there for a million years but speaks wih a British accent and everything is terribly proper. She's NEVER lived anywhere near the UK so it's confusing as to why she speaks the way she does. It's going to be a fun week visiting her, my mum's cousins and the Rin's hus-bots family. Oh yeah. You too Greg!!
My arm just started having a fever but that's nothing compared to last night's mumps panic attack. I DO NOT HAVE THE MUMPS, i kept telling myself. And I don't have them! Why did the old black and white people of yesteryear tie on the rabbit-ear hankies? I'm guessing it's to relieve pressure? Look GREG IT SAYS GREG:

I had a visit from a little honeybee on Saturday night. My grampa was an avid beekeeper/honey producer so my first thought when I saw it was "oh! Grampa's sending a little visitor to check in & say hello!" It was the sweetest little bee and sat very docile on my stove range-hood while I petted it. Later in the middle of the night I dreamt about giving my gramma a lot of hugs. So I went yesterday and gave her a lot of hugs in real-life, but I don't know if I will tell her about my bee visit, because then she will tell my mum and everyone will cry. Maybe I will draw it out and mail it to her.
Oh and one more thing I have to write is that [MEMBER=Stop Snitchin'] is so mega interesting and I am having so much fun talking to him!
kissa kiss an' goodnight,

how was your trip?? ryan was just bugging me yesterday that we should call you!!! I like to use lot's of punctuation!!!!!
so what up v-dawg