There's way to much wrong in this world. We have little girls haveing babies. Gangs killing for the stupidest reasons,violence fills every possiable media.murder,rape,prejudice,poverty,hunger and the list goes on and on. It's crazy and I don't know about anybody else but it sickens me. That we have sat by and let this grow and grow.Where is our careing ? Where is our compassion for humanity. Have we become so engulfed in our own lives that we no longer care for the common stranger. Sure when we hear about some person raped or murder,we stop for a breif moment and go " aww that's horriable " then it's back to our daily routine. There once was a time in this world when a scream was heard people would go and help. Now when a scream is heard we lock the doors and shut the blinds and just ignore it all. We have war on drugs but where's the war on poverty. We feed our pockets but we don't even bother to try and feed those people on the street.What about every little girl and every little boy that's sitting in a ghetto or a broken home. Who didn't ask to be raped or abused,who sits in their room at night and crys on their pillow who ain't got a thing to hold on to but a dream and a music magazine. We ignore their situation and say it's not my problem. Their not my kid I mean the darkness in the world is so thick that it's become almost impossiable to any light of hope left. As sad as it is I see no solution. We're just going to keep liveing our lives the way they are. We're just going to sit by as the darkness continues to grow and spin out of control.Then again maybe there's nothing we can do.
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