So yeah I've been laid up in the hospital the last few days. Because some bitch and her friends decided to take a couple of baseball bats to my back. It's a long story I'm not going into right now. All you really need to know is that we have issues with each other have since childhood. Yeah they busted me up,couple of cracked ribs minor internal bleeding,some nasty bruises and gashes that's about it. She however made one critical error, she left me breatheing. Hell I shouldn't even be out of the hospital but I don't listen to those people. I leave when I'm ready. Oh sure I could run to the cops and file assault charges like a little scared bitch but where's the fun in that? I'd much rather handle this on my own in a true Ladydeath fashion. Now if you'll excuse me I have some plotting to do and some rest to get. My sides are killing me again.
P.S. If your wondering yes I did rather enjoy getting the shit beat out of me. I love me some great intense pain!
P.S. If your wondering yes I did rather enjoy getting the shit beat out of me. I love me some great intense pain!

Revenge is a dish best served COLD!!! Bide your time and wait for just the right time.....All things to those that wait. Or you could just fly me in and unleash me. I like th sound of that one.