Ok so I'm not relaxing like I'm suppose to. I never could relax. I keep thinking about things. Things that keep mr from relaxing. I am takeing it easy though. No work just play. Like watching tv and movies and listening to my music. Haveing a few drinks. Playing video games. All that shit. Still can't relax though. Oh and I got some medication.
I must have responded to you while you were updating your journal. Check your previous post. Be aware of side-effects. Your body adjusting can make you feel worse temporarily than you were without them. I got to use Paxil for a year or two. The first week, I started sleeping poorly. By about the fifth day, I would wake up every one or two hours at night. By the seventh day I was going to bed almost as soon as I got home at night because I was sleeping so badly. I even called my doctor to tell him I wanted to quit, but kept taking it while we played phone tag for two days. And then magically, everything was fine. Sure my dick wasn't working right with that stuff, but the need for sex was replaced by the most orgasmic yawns. And I could have multiple orgasmic yawns - one right after the other. And they were less messy. But eventually everything evened out and I was mostly back to normal. I miss those yawns, though.
Oh there's lot's of fucking in mine to.....But there is always that too drunk drunk to fuck kinda night