I'm loseing it,I'm close to the fucking edge. If I don't get help I'll probablly do something fucking stupid. AHHH damn it I can't take the pain and the prsssure anymore. Everytime I turn around there's another mother fucker wanting something from me. Like I owe them,I don't owe them shit. I feel used like a fucking glow in the dark hot pink condom. I just want to fucking slit my wrists and watch as my life drips to this worlds floor. I have nothing left to give, These mother fuckers have drained me of all I had. So now I'm about ready to come out fighting mad. Every fucking time I turn around there's another fucker wanting something from me.My money,my time whatever the hell they want. I give and I give and I don't get shit in return,not even a fucking thank You.I'm sick of this shit,I'm ready to hang myself and watch as my world goes dark. I need some mother fucking help but they ain't got help for me. I'm just a poor ass white girl with a picture of a train caboose on her ass,trying to live day to day. Damn this life of mine is only getting harder. I don't think I can take anymore pain.
Let me know what you want, we may have to go back and forth, cause I may not have what you want, but Ill send something to you...LOL
Tomorrow is Friday. Take the weekend to give to yourself.