Have you ever felt worthless? mAybe unloved or under appriciated? Have you ever stopped to think why your here on earth? What is it that keep's you here? Why do you exist? What is your purpose here on esrth? I've been thinking a lot about that today for some reason. I know I'm here for some reason but what reason? I feel so unimportant to this life. I know I matter to friends and family but today I just don't feel that way. I feel as if my purpose here is to do something great but I don't know what. To this point in my life I've done nothing great. Infact I haven't done much with my life. Maybe I just need to get away for awhile or something. I'm feeling so worthless that my life has no purpose,I'm just another dot consumeing space in this very large universe. My whole life is so routine it's the same shit everyday the only thing that really changes is the day of the week. I want to break the cycle but I have no where to start. So I'm back at square one. Surely my purpose here is to know just exist among other dots in this universe. We all have a purpose. I just don't know what mine is. I think I need a long trip just me and myself so I can find who I truely am.
All my computer stuff is on it and no loud crash followed, so I think we did it the right way.