What a day,what a day! You know drinking and sharp objects just do not go together. I as drinking a little and fixing some stuff to eat. When I acidently sliced open my forarm. Took a good bit of 22 stitches to sew the son of a bitch up. It didn't even hurt, of course I do have a high tolerence for pain. Oh and for some bad news my brother and father are coming in for a week. Nothing wrong with my dad coming in I always enjoy him but my brother coming in is another story. I can tolerate him but my father can't. So I'm guessing I'm in for a high tension week. So if i only bitch for the next week please bare with me. Oh and I have a question to my friends. How the fuck do you get a puppy from chewing on everything in sight? I thought he had stopped after he started chewing on my good leather boots but now he's back at chewing up everything. So anyone know how I can stop this?
Like the others have advised, get a really good chew toy, a puppy will always prefer a portable, challenging chew. helps the itch in the gums donchaknow?
I'm a good speller but my typing has been really shit recently. thanks for all the nice things you said
have you read Vampire: The Masquerade? I'm not asking if you play it, because I don't play it myself. i just thinks it's a really fun read.
Family tension isn't fun neither.