Hello my loves!
I´ve been away for so long! And i´m so sorry!
You´ll see... i move for work to Egyot (i´m from Colombia, and i´d lived in Buenos Aires for 5 years); and it hasn´t been as easy as i thought it will be.
Even do i´ve always thought that if i were a mutant i will be like Mystique, easy to adapt, always changing... well... t seems that my super powers are diminished in Mid West...
Don´t get me wrong! it´s beautiful! the food! the weather! and i truly love teaching and dancing... but as a free woman, is been quite hard feeling so vulnerable just because of my gender.
So, i decided to start new adventures and learning process, now that i have the time and i don´t speak Arabic...
1. learning the language!!! Is so important! its quite different from Spanish, English and french (well... of that last one is really similar the pronunciation), but just in a simple thing as asking for an address, buying water, or negotiating a tour... its better if you understand what is happening!
2. reconnect and find out what is to be a woman for me; as a west woman i´ve found out how i have so many privilegies (even knowing that we still have a lot to work for in the salaries equality, but as simply as being able to walk in the streets in short!); and how can i do to keep working for what we still need to accomplish, helping other women to get what i´ve already enjoy: freedom and confort with my body, freedom to be naked, freedom to think, decide and act according to my believes, and to always question my believes and what other want to imposes on me.
3. meditate! ... i don´t speak Arabic and i´m having more time for me... so... instead of watching countless netflix series! i decided to meditate. It´s been such an amazing experience, with some joys and sadness, but i feel connected with something bigger and deeper =)
4. Training like a girl! Oh yeah! i´d been having the privilege to train and dance every day!!! yes!!! every day! so... i´m feeling fitter than ever, stronger and flexible than ever, and i´ve being having time to explore the movement from another angle: from the movement of the hips (connected to point 2) and with my Colombian roots.
Ohhh! i almost forget about it! but tomorrow i´ll tell you all about my journey from Buenos Aires to Cairo!... From leaving half of my clothes and books, to meet my BF in Milan and live a horror history in the Cairo airport....
Send you all kisses!!!
And a video from yesterday training: