"Excuse the random adding, I just recognised you as the sole person who knows to pour a Southern Comfort and Coke into a short glass.
On a side note, you considering yourself somewhat of an amateur physchiatrist to friends... I'm going to take a bit of a leap and go so far as to say that you have a natural ability to read people even if they haven't said a word to you. You can tell the bad ones almost instantly, and can spot a liar as if the word was blazened on their forehead. Lying, especially sneaky lying, infuriates you.
You don't actually sit your friends down and forcefully psychoanalyse them, as crass people do, but more so fell into this position by having a knack for giving uncannily good advice. Advice you yourself would be much better by heeding. You believe in fate and destiny, and although you're not sure as to why, you have an unshakable knowledge that you are on a path to something significant... a purpose. It keeps you focused and happy, even under circumstances when other people would crumble, and is the basis for the good advice you give. Your advice is almost always based around the notion that all problems are temporary, and there is a greater path that makes everything else just time-fillers. That said, you don't believe that any event, or person, or action is insignificant.
Of course, that could all be wrong. But $2 says it ain't...
Thanks for the short glass. Tony would be proud!
I just got this message in my inbox on myspace from someone who has just met me over the bar im astounded by how well he could judge a person
I'm kinda speechless!
On a side note, you considering yourself somewhat of an amateur physchiatrist to friends... I'm going to take a bit of a leap and go so far as to say that you have a natural ability to read people even if they haven't said a word to you. You can tell the bad ones almost instantly, and can spot a liar as if the word was blazened on their forehead. Lying, especially sneaky lying, infuriates you.
You don't actually sit your friends down and forcefully psychoanalyse them, as crass people do, but more so fell into this position by having a knack for giving uncannily good advice. Advice you yourself would be much better by heeding. You believe in fate and destiny, and although you're not sure as to why, you have an unshakable knowledge that you are on a path to something significant... a purpose. It keeps you focused and happy, even under circumstances when other people would crumble, and is the basis for the good advice you give. Your advice is almost always based around the notion that all problems are temporary, and there is a greater path that makes everything else just time-fillers. That said, you don't believe that any event, or person, or action is insignificant.
Of course, that could all be wrong. But $2 says it ain't...
Thanks for the short glass. Tony would be proud!
I just got this message in my inbox on myspace from someone who has just met me over the bar im astounded by how well he could judge a person
I'm kinda speechless!

Hey, I'm on your friends list twice! I'm special