I must apologize for slacking lately. My part time job I picked up turned out to be a 60 hour a week gig. I can't complain since I am so fucking broke...but I must admit it nearly killed me working that much and trying to finish up my finals. School is over with for two weeks YAY!. I think work will slow down soon as well. Never get one good one at a time! ha ha ha! So, my mother is driving up here from Texas for Christmas. I have been driving myself mad trying to get my house in order. I do this everytime. I stress myself out so much more than I should. She keeps lecturing me on how she is not concerned about my house....but that's not the point. I had a discussion about that this morning...really, there isn't much worse than your mother being dissapointed in you...at least in my little bubble. My mom's my best friend...and I have made such a mess of things so many times...its amazing she still stands by me. That's more than you can say for the other people in my life. The oh so wonderful boy that lives with me and likes to call me his girlfriend when its convienient ran away last night. Guess that's what I get for spending every cent I had on getting his phone turned back on.
Mr. White has gone on another ignoring me phase. I am sure there is some issue going on in his brain that makes it absolutely the best idea...for both of us...and that will change as soon as the holidays are over. Perhaps, I shouldn't be writing this right now...I'm really not in the best of moods if you hadn't already noticed!
I did just submit my second set. Am trying to be too hopeful just incase. But am positive that this one is much better than the last. I think I have a chance at least. If not, oh well...I'll shoot another. I did have fun doing it and it was a wonderful break from the monotony of day to day life around here. Maybe its just the holidays...they tend to depress me. I have this terrible tendency to hope for this grand thing to happen....like when I was really little and we had real holidays.....or the year we had a punk rock Thanksgiving with a dozen kids...that rocked. Well, I better get my ass to writing my oh so late x-mas cards. Haven't had time to catch my breath lately....so am trying to make a dent in things today....I hope all finds you well. Forgive me for slacking so terribly and I hope to hear from you soon.


thank u for your vote
..and i wish u merry x-mas