It is officially winter! I has been snowing since early this morning. It was so unexpected....this has been the strangest fall/winter that I have ever lived through. Summer was hot and so was fall for the most part. The only way to realize that it was no longer summer was the gloom. That last few months have been consistently grey. I must say that it has been becoming depressing. Now, for the last two years it snowed on my birthday and that is in the begining of here I sit. I just attempted to drive to work. I didn't realize how much it had snowed. I work nearly 40 miles away....I started out early thinking that as long as I have myself an hour I'd be alright. It took me half an hour to drive 5 miles!!!!!!! Once I got through town the road was actually worse....the snow plow people must be napping today. I decided that 9 bucks an hour was not worth possibly dying I called work and turned my ass around. I will definitely not complain I was scheduled to work 11 hours tonight....and besides I have homework to catch up on (as always) I suppose I will curl up under a pile of blankets...make a ghetto mocha the way Mr. White always did....write my paper about Accoutability in the Juvenile Justice System...and cuddle with the puppies. Well, once they dry off! Winston doesn't know what to think about the snow...apparently he hates it about as much as me...he will not leave the door step and sits there and screams...Stitch on the other hand seems to love it...he has been hyper all morning and looks as if he was rolling around in it. A much braver soul than me I must admit. Here is the view from the front door right now....
Baby its cold outside!!!!!!!
And in tribute to one of the most beautiful men I know...this is an awesome fucking sculpture that he made...he drove his ass all the way out here just to drive me back to Mpls for my shoot......He is fucking amazing!
Alright my lovelies....enough ranting for now......I will be here hibernating all night.....I hope that all finds you well...oh yes, I nearly photographer is actually submitting my set tonight so cross some fingers for me! Thanks to all....esp you Bex..and Chessa! You always brighten my day!

Baby its cold outside!!!!!!!

And in tribute to one of the most beautiful men I know...this is an awesome fucking sculpture that he made...he drove his ass all the way out here just to drive me back to Mpls for my shoot......He is fucking amazing!

Alright my lovelies....enough ranting for now......I will be here hibernating all night.....I hope that all finds you well...oh yes, I nearly photographer is actually submitting my set tonight so cross some fingers for me! Thanks to all....esp you Bex..and Chessa! You always brighten my day!

We are getting a cold front here too.
I haven't talked to you all week.
Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?
I miss you
By the way...where the bloody hell is your set oh snow-maiden????
For Christmas we both need DSL !!
Hope you're hanging in there oh and STOP working so hard, its almost Christmas.
Love ya xxxxx u know it