So...I am scheduled to shoot tomorrow...that is if I can find a ride. My license has so wonderfully been suspended for something I committed in Ohio in April...when I was living in Wisconsin....mysterious! I may end up just driving myself there. Hopefully I won't get arrested! I could wait until next weekend...but I am starting a new job on Monday and have absolutely no idea what my schedule will look like. Besides...I am not big on patience!
I must admit I am nervous as hell and restless...I have several papers that I should be writing...but can't seem to focus...tried cleaning up and working out...but nothing seems to help with this not sure if it from nerves...or just that the isolation out here is begining to get to me. I so desperately miss the city! I suppose I should make another feeble attempt at the homework...thanks to everyone for all of the support! I don't know what I would do without it! xoxoxoxo

Ummm blueberrys
Good luck on your shoot! Try hard not to get arrested, if you drive like a sane person, you should be fine =)