Hello Lovelies,
I was lucky enough to find a FABULOUS photographer in Minneapolis. Am planning on going out this weekend for my first REAL set! YAY! I am so excited. I have a few theme ideas I am considering. I am totally open to suggestions. Let me know if you have any. For the evening I have a huge homework assignment to work on yay and some chores I should get done....probably why I am stalling on here!
Thanks to all you left me such wonderful comments. You really made my day! xoxoxoxo
I was lucky enough to find a FABULOUS photographer in Minneapolis. Am planning on going out this weekend for my first REAL set! YAY! I am so excited. I have a few theme ideas I am considering. I am totally open to suggestions. Let me know if you have any. For the evening I have a huge homework assignment to work on yay and some chores I should get done....probably why I am stalling on here!

(And for the record.....sooooo jealous!