So I'm copy paste stoner fail sauce, here's the last 10...
30. The last time you received flowers? In France, @smashbase was FORCED to at the eiffel tower. Stupid street salespeople are the worst.
31. More recent injury? Partially dislocated shoulder
32. How many pets are there in your house? only 2 cats now, Poe and Delilah both girls
33. Worst pain ever? Not sure, we don't really remember pain enough to know what was worse, but I'm assuming it's either when I got 2 of my fingers shut in a door jam (at the nailbed) and then surgically repaired while awake, or when I broke my left wrist halfway and the doctor had to break it the rest
34. Do you like to dance? YES
35. Are your parents still alive? Yea
36. Do you love your life? sometimes
37. Summer or winter? Summer, f snow
38. How many grandchildren do you have? None, never will
39. Car or Van? Car?
40. People Person? Yes and No haha. I can get along with anyone, but I don't think people are inherently good.