It's my pinkversary you guyz! :D "1BDI" was on the front page one year ago today. 1 year since @smashbase made all of my Futurama dreams come true hahaha. This set was as much fun to shoot as it seems it would be, the whole ordeal was pretty hilarious. Happy memories with my boy having many laughs together doing what we love, I can't imagine a better set to make fp with.
While I've only been pink for a year, I've been around this joint a bit longer than that and in that time I've made some other dreams come true. I've shot 60 suicide girls! Last week I finally got my lens on @cygnet (congrats on going pink again girl!) making it 60 pink ladies I've gotten to work with. I'm not going to tag all of you beautiful women, but those of you who are reading this: Thank you for starring in my stories, you are gorgeous and powerful and amazing, true leading ladies, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 3 sets I've shot have turned hopefuls pink, @dame @dojikko and @kaotika , i hope to keep adding to that list, making other people's dreams come true is the dream.
Speaking of which I'm also a Staff Photographer now! Something I fantasized about as a teenager haha I never imagined being a Suicidegirl and a Staff photographer would actually happen, but it did! In a sense I made all of '16 year old me's' dreams come true. And omg traveling to France!! , thank you so much @clem for having me in your beyond lovely home! I've gotten to work with so many lovely hopefuls, pink girls, meet so many awesome babes, it's been a shit ton of work haha but well worth every second of it. My art means everything to me, thank you @sean @missy @rambo for giving me a place to express myself and build up other women. It's my favorite thing in the whole world after marijuana, and that's saying A LOT hahaha. Seriously tho, love you guys, thank you so so much!
Members! You know who you are and so do I, believe you me, those of you who constantly and consistently support my work and my modeling alike, it never goes unnoticed. I try my best to read and <3 all of your comments on every set and don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Thanks for being here looking, without you there's no this.
One last thing! I don't want to go on on BUT! I have a new set coming out in 5 days!!! "Papillon" shot by @coolicio at #sgfrshootfest17. Ughhh this set means so much to meee, @coolicio basically flew around the world pregnant like some super woman crazy person haha and I was stoked just to finally meet her, and then we made this crazy magic and it's... just perfect. Love you Ash <3
So keep an eye out for "Papillon" and give it all your love and who knows maybe we'll see this Lady back on the FP this year ;)
<3 Lady