- on Thread for Spamming your Sets in ass appreciation
- on THE THREAD FOR SPAMMING YOUR SETS in itty bitty titty committee
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- on sweede's post on lady's page
@kahlia ’s new set OUR LADY OF SORROWS just got to 2000 ❤️‘s
Thanks for so much love!!!
We shot this in Chicago at @penny ‘s 2019 shootfest, and I think we may have been the only ones to use that part of the Airbnb. This strange little alley/courtyard with no door access but accessible by windows from various sides of the apartment and visible
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Me and @eydis missed each other too fucking much and we went on a lil trip to Saugatuck together... and shot a multi shooting each other!!! SWITCH will be in MR in 3 months and 1 week! So excited to have had @eydis shoot me and I can't wait to do it again and again and again. I can't wait for you all to see
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Who’s wakin’ and bakin’ with @booba in her new set GRAPE ?!? In MR right now!! ❤️✨🔥
@bizzy "Paille" in 5 months 1 week! <3 <3 <3
Thank you for all the love and comments so far on SUNDRESS ❤️ So many of you have supported my work on both sides of the camera for such a looong time, I appreciate it to the moon and back and back to the moon again 💕✨❤️ Thank you!
My NEW SET is out meow! <3 <3 <3
"Pretty in Pink" - @graysin in 5 months! <3 <3 <3
"Chenille" in 5 months <3
@dutch <3 <3 <3
"Our Lady of Sorrows" in 5 months!
@kahlia <3 <3 <3
FEAST in 5 months!
@romany <3 <3 <3
Once upon a time @booba and I shot a set in like 15 minutes with a basketball, some crazy shades, and some good bud... that set is now in the queue! GRAPE
omg! yesss! @daydream is pink pink pink! Go congratulate this babe on getting SOTD! Thank you all of you wonderful ppl who gave this set so much love! So happy to see this set chosen!!! <3 <3 <3