In Lads wonderfully layered work, the blueprint of a workday becomes a graphic skin on the world of people who live it out.

wow! look at all those tan people...
i don't know if i'm going to ny anymore. school will cost way more than i had planned. damn, eh?
i don't know if i'm going to ny anymore. school will cost way more than i had planned. damn, eh?
Happy Birthday! 

FUCK/ shit/ crap/ piss/ bitch/ dick/ ass/ nigger/ spic/ kike/ cracker/ chinc/ wop/ towelhead/ slut/ whore/ cunt/ twat/ snatch/ ho/ asshole/ cock/ pussy/ faggot/ douchbag/ dyke/ freak/ dork/ queer/ liar/ fake/ ugly/ fat/ loser/ skinny/ poor/ FUCK
Did i offend you yet? No?
There's always tomorrow.
is this not the fucking truth!
Did i offend you yet? No?
There's always tomorrow.
is this not the fucking truth!

lenny bruce already broke me in. offend...impossible
well what's all that about?
Want toooooo Guesss?

monet: are so sweet, thank you so much for the comment. You totally made my night! Too bad I'm not into the beer thing, but your smile, and compliment would've been enough for me. 

Apple martini? I've never had a martini. I don't really drink, but I like ginger ale. Is that ok? Mmmmm bubbly. hehehe.
Fucking Cunt -clusion....

I've come tooooooo some......

Lads is going to his travel time... tell u all about it in June. Happy days! O ya... anybody know the girl with the checkerd flags tatooed on her lowerer back on the East coast?
Cheers all!
Cheers all!

I'm bored! Yes folks I will admit it.. I'm fucking bored out of my mind! So what to do before I blow a valve or something! Damn I'm soooooooooooooo bored! Any suggestion?

hey... don't worry. they'll be close enough to you on may 1st. they're playing in LA at the henry fonda theatre.. and then again on june 20th. dont miss it... this is a very good lineup. and it'll most definitely keep you from being bored 

Q: why are most of these SG girls from Portland? I mean I know this is where the site originates but this pasty white chubby cheek look is overdone IMHO. Bring on the summer with some tanalicous nector! OK haters bring it on!

Im not from Portland dammit. Im a CA girl. but i do have the chubby cheeks. ;(
It's Tecate time!!!
Off for a run for the border!! Wish me luck, and no
ing allowed on this tour!!

no puking!!!!!!
You know what that reminds me of? Mexican restaurants. I don't have a clue why, though.
Good... morning... Nala! The most delicious morsel on the SG planet!!! The Gods has given her the mostes from formoses perfection as Nala then zuberhored it above and beyond!! Thank you Gods!!!!!

This is not a love song:
Upon receiving your Tandem thoughts today, I had a few for the tango. I believe you are the one who mentally walked out on this relationship some time ago when you gave up on making it work. I believe maybe because reality was difficult for you and you simply embraced condolences in fear and mistrust? I don't really...
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Upon receiving your Tandem thoughts today, I had a few for the tango. I believe you are the one who mentally walked out on this relationship some time ago when you gave up on making it work. I believe maybe because reality was difficult for you and you simply embraced condolences in fear and mistrust? I don't really...
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