My friends took me to Disneyland on Saturday and we had a friggin blast. I am definitely getting a pass again, we had soooo much fun! We were there for like 13 hours though, and I thought I was going to die driving home.
Some silly pictures...
On Indiana Jones...they let the Asian drive! LOL
Wearing my friend's silly mohawk beanie haha I slept for 3 hours the night before, and this is on like the 12.5 hour of being at Disneyland...I have no idea where the perkiness came from, probably cause it's THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha
In other news, since I moved out on my own I've been managing fine, but kind of wanted some extra cash to start a savings account, buy stuff I want (like a disneyland pass...), extra cash for the bar, etc. So I've been trying to get a 2nd job for MONTHS. I finally got one...lol PIzza Delivery Driver!!! I've never had a job in the food/restaurant industry before. At first I was kind of embarrassed by it...I don't know why. It seems like a HS kid job. But I'm one of the youngest people there, the only chick besides the manager, and I went riding with a driver last night and he makes pretty fat tips! Also, my shifts are sweet...Friday through Sunday from 5-7pm (though if they are busy and I want to stay I can), so it won't cut into my bar or fun time! Plus, I look hot in the uniform HAHA!

My friends took me to Disneyland on Saturday and we had a friggin blast. I am definitely getting a pass again, we had soooo much fun! We were there for like 13 hours though, and I thought I was going to die driving home.
Some silly pictures...
On Indiana Jones...they let the Asian drive! LOL

Wearing my friend's silly mohawk beanie haha I slept for 3 hours the night before, and this is on like the 12.5 hour of being at Disneyland...I have no idea where the perkiness came from, probably cause it's THE HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha

In other news, since I moved out on my own I've been managing fine, but kind of wanted some extra cash to start a savings account, buy stuff I want (like a disneyland pass...), extra cash for the bar, etc. So I've been trying to get a 2nd job for MONTHS. I finally got one...lol PIzza Delivery Driver!!! I've never had a job in the food/restaurant industry before. At first I was kind of embarrassed by it...I don't know why. It seems like a HS kid job. But I'm one of the youngest people there, the only chick besides the manager, and I went riding with a driver last night and he makes pretty fat tips! Also, my shifts are sweet...Friday through Sunday from 5-7pm (though if they are busy and I want to stay I can), so it won't cut into my bar or fun time! Plus, I look hot in the uniform HAHA!

And yeah, delivery makes the big monies on the tips. I've known folks to bring in a hundred or more in one night.