so,I am going to the aforementioned show!!!!!!
thanks to Sean,who I heart to the Nth degree....
um,skipped class today(2) and I'm skipping 1 class tomorrow...I just want the weekend to be here already...
and,I don't know..for some reason I'm feeling that early morning blue funk almost all the time now..
fucking hell.
well,g'nite all..
so,I am going to the aforementioned show!!!!!!
thanks to Sean,who I heart to the Nth degree....
um,skipped class today(2) and I'm skipping 1 class tomorrow...I just want the weekend to be here already...
and,I don't know..for some reason I'm feeling that early morning blue funk almost all the time now..
fucking hell.
well,g'nite all..

how did you know?
if you think taht pirates are better than ninjas you SUCJK!!! i am drunk, SHUT UP!!!!!