Morgannahh is an angel.....and angel with shimmery tears, but even angels have trauma, right? You are my fave....and it DOES get easier....just like YEARS. But one day breath feels less painful...less gasped at....erm....blergh.
Life is mellow.....waiting for the sun to come out all proper like.
Its been raining for days.... but i have found things to keep myself occupied....

There is this super hot 18 year old bartender working at my old place of employment....mmmmm.....SUPER SPUNKISH....I have gone through a slight...erm...drought? Its not that i CANT...erm....get naughty with someone....its that i havent been interested in a while.
BUT NOW?????
I am noticing ALL!!!
18? sigh. I would ruin him...break him....i would....i am awful!!! A princess!

Well....not really, but i do expect things to go my way, but im not like....mean.....I am considerate of other peoples feelings, but still....i always know my way is better.
heh...heh....i snorted....i laugh at myself so hard...
Also....I wanted to show y'all where i live.....
Thats it from me for now.
Again tho....thanks rule.
PS omigod....I normally am not one to feel any strong feelings.
Especially about people I dont know....but....
A day after Britney Spears filed divorce papers...
Kevin Federline counter-filed court papers Wednesday seeking sole custody of the couple's two children.
The former backup dancer and aspiring rapper is also seeking spousal support. He says the couple's community assets are "uncertain," though Spears said in her divorce papers there were none to speak of, suggesting the two had a prenuptial agreement in place.
"Kevin is prepared to go the distance in order to do what he feels is necessary to protect and safeguard the children and will not be intimidated or dissuaded from pursuit of those goals," said Michael Sands, spokesman for Federline's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan.
He reminds me of every parasitic waste of my time loser boy/girl friend i ever had.
You know....the one who has to borrow 50 bux to take you on a date....heh....or the one who stays in with the curtains shut smokin ciggs all day....or the one who always secretly taxes your drugs....
BLECH. He even looks a little bit like an ex of mine....
But when is summer getting here !! ! !!
Nelsons nice
KFed... I'm so happy shes leaving him he was a bad husband and a bad father
Think the world agrees but it never got off to a good start her hooking up with him while Shar was 8 months pregnant
Have fun