What a grrreat time in dirty old Dunners. I havent updated because i continued the excess+rockstar lifestyle all the way home!! Amazing. The crew at this place called refuel were so cool and nice that it made the whole gig easy and awesome. Not too many trouble-makers. Erm....only us.....
The car ride was excruciating....as it was 3 strangers in the back of an suv....(we werent strangers by the ride bak tho!!!You CANNOT get that drunk with people and then be shy the next day.)
We only really stopped in Timaru.....erm...what a lovely hole...heh.
Then we got to Dunedin which was cool, we were in this rather fancypants hotel, and i had a room ALL to myself...with 2 double beds even....It ruled.I decided one could get into rather alot of trouble if one wanted too...
Got a couple MINUTES sleep...then soundcheck....blah and blah....It Was cool...Met Roni Size-who was short...and MC Dynamite-who was cute...and they were kinda unsociable, which was cool....BLAH BLAH!!!!
So...Gig was good...our DJ's-
Organikismness ripped the place up....was wonderful.Then all the previously exaulted bar staff proceeded to get us all quite disturbingly drunk...but all clothes stayed on...
On the walk home we would have been arrested were we in nelson...but it turns out the early morning people of Dunners are seemingly used to ridiculous looking people shouting obscenities (cute obscenities) and asking all the suits for 'high fives'.
And thats a bit of the exciting story!Theres a bunch more to it...but what goes on tour stays on tour apparently.
I love running thru it in my head cos I truley had the best time....Dunedin fucking Rules!!
I will go back.Lots.
How was your weekend? Erm...and week too?
Rock On.
What a grrreat time in dirty old Dunners. I havent updated because i continued the excess+rockstar lifestyle all the way home!! Amazing. The crew at this place called refuel were so cool and nice that it made the whole gig easy and awesome. Not too many trouble-makers. Erm....only us.....
The car ride was excruciating....as it was 3 strangers in the back of an suv....(we werent strangers by the ride bak tho!!!You CANNOT get that drunk with people and then be shy the next day.)
We only really stopped in Timaru.....erm...what a lovely hole...heh.
Then we got to Dunedin which was cool, we were in this rather fancypants hotel, and i had a room ALL to myself...with 2 double beds even....It ruled.I decided one could get into rather alot of trouble if one wanted too...

So...Gig was good...our DJ's-
Organikismness ripped the place up....was wonderful.Then all the previously exaulted bar staff proceeded to get us all quite disturbingly drunk...but all clothes stayed on...
On the walk home we would have been arrested were we in nelson...but it turns out the early morning people of Dunners are seemingly used to ridiculous looking people shouting obscenities (cute obscenities) and asking all the suits for 'high fives'.
And thats a bit of the exciting story!Theres a bunch more to it...but what goes on tour stays on tour apparently.
I love running thru it in my head cos I truley had the best time....Dunedin fucking Rules!!
I will go back.Lots.
How was your weekend? Erm...and week too?
Rock On.

Ha wow sounds like heaps fun n trouble 

Now YOU are someone I'd like to hang out with....