well hi, y'all!!!
Come inside, have a cuppa tea........
I have a few points to go over today, so sharpen your pencils, and here we go.....
1. Middle of Nowhere, Cant Drive.
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Well... I had to house sit....Oh Joy. My mum lives miles away and she was gone for the whole weekend, so it seriously cut into my drinking time. Not that i actually drink that muchos tho.....
Anyho....cant drive, never could......stuck watching boringarama music vids......but thats how i found.......
2.Panic! at the Disco
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My friends would laugh and point at me (and they have) for falling for this band...but if i gave a shit about other's opinions on my music taste, i woulve slashed my freakin wrists when i was 15 and my flatmate spray painted my stereo in the hopes it would stop.....
But....all that aside... I have really fallen hard AND fast for this band...there lyrics are really cool and bla...
Everyone else in the world heard about this band last year i assume....it takes me a little while to hear about these things....er....and all things really...
3. PINK = PLAGIARISM!! (no, really...)
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pink's stylist has BLATANTLY stolen and used some of Martin fukken Emonds pictures as the basis for the latest video offering 'Just you and your Hand'..... theyve put baby red knuckles in there and hard candy and some other one whose name i dont remember.......
BOOOOOOO!!!! Pay up, you c**ts.....
4. Er... there is no four! cool.
Take it easy kids..
Heres a link for Marti Fuck....use it!!
nullnullTHE REAL SHIT, YO!!
Think off all the money saved not drinking