well the dog was fine.. after the initial meet and greet turned out to be a big suck... still I'm glad my mom's boarder was there to "introduce us". Long weekend was a waste sat on my arse playing computer cus I couldn't get a hold of anyone :x
I also learned not to go to denny's just after waking up... waitress went to take...
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I also learned not to go to denny's just after waking up... waitress went to take...
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Snow sucks I hate cold weather.. and coming to my mom's house and it's being guarded by a rottweiler for the weekend.. fun.
yes cold does really suck it seams to really suck after we have had no cold for almost the whole winter.
As for the truck, i have seen it at the home depot on 16th and again down town by were i live. have only got a glimps of it each time so i am not sure what the space truck is all about.
[Edited on Feb 20, 2006 7:21AM]
As for the truck, i have seen it at the home depot on 16th and again down town by were i live. have only got a glimps of it each time so i am not sure what the space truck is all about.
[Edited on Feb 20, 2006 7:21AM]
fuck snow and cold

I think I'm over whatever it is I had before... now to get rid of this hangover/nauseau from excess smoke inhalation
Yeah to the healthiness.
The best way to get over a hangover is to drink.... or that is what I hear...

The best way to get over a hangover is to drink.... or that is what I hear...

Haha... no, the old profile pic was me. It was just taken with my glasses on, with a good camera, when hair was shorter, and when I had formal wear on. It also might have been stretched, to fit the box they give.
The new profile is one I took with my new iMac.... (so sexy, I mean the mac)....
About the new guy, well, it is not that I don't trust him, it is that I don't trust myself. That is what I have come to hate about myself. I don't trust me.
The new profile is one I took with my new iMac.... (so sexy, I mean the mac)....
About the new guy, well, it is not that I don't trust him, it is that I don't trust myself. That is what I have come to hate about myself. I don't trust me.

sigh.. thought I was gonna be spending v-day alone and working. Instead I get to spend it alone and too sick to stay at work.
get better soon!!!

triops look kind of like horseshoe crabs.
ROFL.. I found my grade 4 LA(English) journal.
Starts off with My Teacher is Mrs. Holden. She is very nice. not.
I like to play hockey.. wtf I never liked hockey.OK now that the flames aren't last place in the league I have a mild interest but still...
"Ian went to mars and bought chocolate bars"
Hmm.. some very unpolitically correct poems.. with a check...
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Starts off with My Teacher is Mrs. Holden. She is very nice. not.
I like to play hockey.. wtf I never liked hockey.OK now that the flames aren't last place in the league I have a mild interest but still...
"Ian went to mars and bought chocolate bars"
Hmm.. some very unpolitically correct poems.. with a check...
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Yeah, look back at those things are awesome. It is like you were drunk as a kid or something. Mine were always written poorly too.

Ok got the mystery pic up finally... no wonder I was having trouble getting the thing down to under 100kb. freaking thing is massive. So it's low quality big in size. oh well live and learn. Aside from tomo.. again in about 10 hours and whatever else I may post tonight I prolly wont be back on until the weekend.
Added another picture too. This...
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Added another picture too. This...
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Double chin fucking sucks. I'm hoping that it'll just up and walk away one day.
On the bus today had a memory come back to me.
I was about 10 and my sister would be about 5. I had taken her to the park. It was an old wooden one. The ones where someone thought it would be a good idea to make a "bridge" with gaps in it 5 ft up.... on a kids playground. Anyhow my sister fell...
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I was about 10 and my sister would be about 5. I had taken her to the park. It was an old wooden one. The ones where someone thought it would be a good idea to make a "bridge" with gaps in it 5 ft up.... on a kids playground. Anyhow my sister fell...
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hmm I thought I posted about my shitty day.. well if I put it in the wrong place and someone finds it could they let me know 

hope tomorrow's not chitie!

really shitty day when your post about the shitty day goes for shit.
I never thought hearing "it's too big" would piss me off.... but that 100kb limit on photos is annoying lol. Getting to ticked and tired to do this tonight. Will get the "mystery" photo up tomorrow.. I hope.
sorry, no friends without comments...
not much of a people collector i guess.
not much of a people collector i guess.
i know what you mean
i know what you mean
ARGH fucking shoot me. Spent an hour trying to get the demo for photshop to work only to finally realize I had downloaded the mac version.
Tried downloading PhotoPlus 6.0 is it just me or is that thing completly useless?
Tried downloading PhotoPlus 6.0 is it just me or is that thing completly useless?
I find everything about my computer relatively useless, but I'm just a newb, so it's all OE I'm sure...
No need to be shot, just try a different program!!