Argh music hates me.. My left ear is fucked up.. when I tap the lobe it sounds like a rubbery twanging. Stupid headphones. My hearing is different.. not necessarily worse just different.
I was punched in the face because she said out of the blue that she wanted to do it.. so I told her to.. and she did. I got a bruise under my eye.. it just showed up on Thursday.. I have no idea what that one is from. Wasn't from her I know that. Although I got a another fix today biting scratching punching whole nine yards.
Numa Numa yeah
Friend was supposed to have some sort of birthday party but as most of his friends predicted he wussed out. He's a major introvert. It was my brother's birthday on thursday as well.. I think he might be parked out front I should go say happy birthday....nope just his wife. That sounds kinda wrong doesn't it?
I was punched in the face because she said out of the blue that she wanted to do it.. so I told her to.. and she did. I got a bruise under my eye.. it just showed up on Thursday.. I have no idea what that one is from. Wasn't from her I know that. Although I got a another fix today biting scratching punching whole nine yards.
Numa Numa yeah
Friend was supposed to have some sort of birthday party but as most of his friends predicted he wussed out. He's a major introvert. It was my brother's birthday on thursday as well.. I think he might be parked out front I should go say happy birthday....nope just his wife. That sounds kinda wrong doesn't it?
Thanks for commenting on my set! 

Ok so you have now enetered into the catagory I call - in need of a professional!