well I think I have an idea why abuse continues.. Addiction to the adrenaline rush.. from both parties involved. So theoretically if you jump out of a plane you'll get your fix.(with or without a parachute.. does it really matter?)
More Blogs
Friday Jun 02, 2006
hmm time for an update..... dunno been pretty routine lately.. work s… -
Saturday May 20, 2006
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCeIs33NmnI Things you do when you… -
Thursday May 18, 2006
ROFL first up is the real video then some parodies of it.. cant remem… -
Sunday May 14, 2006
wow crazy weekend The plan was to simply go home after work on fri… -
Wednesday May 10, 2006
Ahh Music soothes the savage beast. Decided to skip the tea and a boo… -
Wednesday May 10, 2006
hmm where to start.. so yeah I booked monday tuesday and wednesday of… -
Friday May 05, 2006
mmm Music.. Tupac, Test Icicles, Techno remixes.. smurfs inspector ga… -
Sunday Apr 30, 2006
Wow I stumbled across some T.A.T.U from thier second album. It's actu… -
Saturday Apr 29, 2006
ughhh and the subsequent hangover... owww my head -
Saturday Apr 29, 2006
I'm a so dunrnnkkk... I dont know if it's good.. I feel like the 3rd …
Have a great day!
Loved the movie. It was hilerous.
I am like that too with books. I read everything and anything. Though I do read more Sci-fi/fantasy than anything else.