Anyhow.. my roomate ended up getting called in for a job interview early wednesday morning so she was unable to do anything with meanyhow, making the afore mentioned "moral" decision a moot point. I went to pub by myself.. no one was there lol.. waitress, dj, bartender, chef, and 2 other regulars(ok yeah I go there at least twice a week) just sat around talking and drinking all night. Closed the bar and while trying to wave a cab down started talking to some guy that was riding his bike to the hospital. Some guy had thrown a chair at the wall and it bounced offand it had clipped it head. I ended up giving him 20 dollars.. I dont know why though. Felt fine when I got home.. woke up and had to rush to the washroom a couple hours later though.. spent all of wednesday switching between my bedroom and the washroom. work wasn't terribly impressed that I hadn't phoned in. I apoligised and told them I had room mate issues lol. Turned out to be a good birthday after all. I really need to learn how to use paragraphs.
I wouldn't actually destroy the pictures, the club has some high priced lawyer who is willing to take anyone to court for ANYTHING.
I have some issues with the pro-life club at school. Namely with the fact they are also anti-birth control and complain that the SU gives out free condoms saying it's against some students morals and the SU shouldn't pay for it.
I think they generally need to pull their heads out of the asses.
Oh and I want to complain about the fact their forcing us to see it, not because it's there. I don't really care if they have an opinion and show it off. I don't think it's morally right to force that opinion on people though, which is what they're doing. The create the display to be unavoidable. I don't want it off campus, really. I just want it so I don't have to see it unless I want to, which I think is more than reasonable.
[Edited on Mar 04, 2006 7:57AM]