ROFL first up is the real video then some parodies of it.. cant remember if you have to sign up for the site or not but it's easy and worth it and I haven't gotten spammed at all.and it's free.
Song plays while people do... stuff
ok this one is kinda related
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Song plays while people do... stuff
ok this one is kinda related
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wow crazy weekend
The plan was to simply go home after work on friday take it easy get up early on saturday to get used to getting up in the morning then go down to 17th ave and grab a coffee and either walk around and enjoy the scenario or find a bookstore first and read a bit at a cafe. Then just sit at...
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The plan was to simply go home after work on friday take it easy get up early on saturday to get used to getting up in the morning then go down to 17th ave and grab a coffee and either walk around and enjoy the scenario or find a bookstore first and read a bit at a cafe. Then just sit at...
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You win the craziest weekend award today! Way to go!
Have a great day tomorrow at work.. The first day shift...

Have a great day tomorrow at work.. The first day shift...

Ahh Music soothes the savage beast. Decided to skip the tea and a book and went with eggs and computer games
ok so lets see how this thought strings out
With all the paths that our lifes can take is it possible that in the end the best path will lead to happiness, wealth and whatever else you desire or are these paths mutually exclusive?...
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ok so lets see how this thought strings out
With all the paths that our lifes can take is it possible that in the end the best path will lead to happiness, wealth and whatever else you desire or are these paths mutually exclusive?...
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I pretty much live my life based on Karma and Intuition...If I feel that I'm screwing someone else by my actions I stop. Also If a situation or opportunity doesn't break my first rule and I get no other bad vibes I'll usualy choose that path in life. I don't know if this is of any use but, I can only speak from my point of veiw.
I think there is a philosophy out there that states:
Regardless of the path you take, it is the right path, because there is not other choice you made. If you are meant to be rich, you will make the right decisions to get to the path. If you are meant to be happy you will choose the right paths to get there.
Of course you can always look at this way:
No man is poor as long as he has friends.
Have a great day!
Regardless of the path you take, it is the right path, because there is not other choice you made. If you are meant to be rich, you will make the right decisions to get to the path. If you are meant to be happy you will choose the right paths to get there.
Of course you can always look at this way:
No man is poor as long as he has friends.

Have a great day!

hmm where to start.. so yeah I booked monday tuesday and wednesday off, so I could go to friends party on tuesday night, spend wednesday recovering and monday was just cause. So I got off work friday tired but rather happy, drunk chick at the train station starts a conversation asks how I'm doing I grunt out something dont remember what. She responds with you're...
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Sounds like you had a bad night last night. Oh well. At least you learned something about life and your friends!
Have a great day today!

Have a great day today!

mmm Music.. Tupac, Test Icicles, Techno remixes.. smurfs inspector gadget.. ohh baby got back.
I was thinking some deeply profound shit this afternoon at work.... but I forgot it.
I was thinking some deeply profound shit this afternoon at work.... but I forgot it.
Are you just going throgh an alphabetical list of artists?
That is cool music you are finding though!
Have a great day!

That is cool music you are finding though!

Have a great day!

Wow I stumbled across some T.A.T.U from thier second album. It's actually not that bad. Listening to aqua too
and some Elton John as well.

Aqua rocks! They had great songs, they were just a little annoying. If you like Aque you should check out Toy Box. I think that is what they were called. Similar sound and content.
Have a good one dude!
Have a good one dude!

Aqua seriously is amazing and I get made fun of all the time for saying that.
ughhh and the subsequent hangover... owww my head
I'm a so dunrnnkkk... I dont know if it's good.. I feel like the 3rd leg..... 5hth leg... freiendnd sand boy firend herrrkja gifirend and boyfiriend and me.................. my heading bobbing bacj cnad forth need water fkdjlsjsfkj f ksdfjdk fdkl me alone.... sop loneltysjikgjskhgsdfgfjsdfkdhskj drubke getingn wayrt dflkgj good nightj gkfj fgfgdgdfgf
Sorry to hear that dude. There is someone out there for ya. Until then take comfort in your friends.
Have a great day!
Have a great day!

Sorry double post. 
[Edited on Apr 29, 2006 9:32AM]

[Edited on Apr 29, 2006 9:32AM]
So anyhow aforementioned girl is now dating a guy that was fired from our work on Monday, they've known each other for a while but only started hanging out in the last month. Not sure what happened to her other boyfriend.. none of my business I suppose. Not really surprised actually.. I should have seen this coming long ago.. but guys are incapable of thinking...
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Cool! Raise time! Did you do the "I got a raise dance" after?
Have a great day!

Have a great day!

yes, yes, yes
Argh music hates me.. My left ear is fucked up.. when I tap the lobe it sounds like a rubbery twanging. Stupid headphones. My hearing is different.. not necessarily worse just different.
I was punched in the face because she said out of the blue that she wanted to do it.. so I told her to.. and she did. I got a bruise under my...
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I was punched in the face because she said out of the blue that she wanted to do it.. so I told her to.. and she did. I got a bruise under my...
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Thanks for commenting on my set! 

Ok so you have now enetered into the catagory I call - in need of a professional!

Well they are closing my shift at work so starting May 15 I gotta get up early(be at work by 7:30) and I lose my shift premium($100 a paycheque) At the same time it means I may actually have a chance to learn what a social life is. I haven't worked a morning job for 5 years. Of course a social life means spending more...
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YAY! Social life!
YAY! Music!
Have a great day!

YAY! Music!

Have a great day!

So mr. fucked up life why did you get punched in the face?
lol well in addition to waking up today with a hangover I feel like I got punched in the face a couple times... oh wait I did lol. I can honestly say I enjoyed it though... how often you get to say that though
Alcohol is funny that way
I am addicted to the Numa Numa(called Original Romanian Version sometimes) song by O-Zone(think Napaleon Dynamite)...
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I am addicted to the Numa Numa(called Original Romanian Version sometimes) song by O-Zone(think Napaleon Dynamite)...
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Punched in the face and you liked it... Ouch!
Have a great time with your music dude!

Have a great time with your music dude!

Why did you get punched in the face?
I forgot to say -
Happy Easter!
[Edited on Apr 17, 2006 6:00PM]

I forgot to say -
Happy Easter!
[Edited on Apr 17, 2006 6:00PM]
but I totally like James Blunt.
Have a great day!