Ridiculously random blog.
I have only lost two pounds after working out for a month. But I feel stronger.
I think it is in my head but I dont care.
I have begun epliating all my hair.
It hurts like hell - especially the first time. I basically took a vicodine and went to town on legs, arm pits and bikini area. It was worth it. Now I just do it every few days with minimal pain (since most of the hair has been pulled out).
The job continues to be good. I am thankful. I rarely think about the people at my old job. Except to wonder if they are still as miserable. Random fact - the guy who had my job left it to be on a reality tv show. We all watched the first night - he got kicked off. Bummer.
I, yet again, had a moment where I realized I need to be more grateful for the blessings in my life. Nothing major, just a basic realization that I am in one of those "up" periods of life and we all know that life is cyclical so we should really enjoy the ups and prepare for the downs.
I hate that with the economy the way it is, you can save but never, ever make money on your money.
When I was twelve, you made about 8% interest on 2 year CDs. Now we are lucky if we get 0.8% interest on money.
I have only lost two pounds after working out for a month. But I feel stronger.
I think it is in my head but I dont care.
I have begun epliating all my hair.
It hurts like hell - especially the first time. I basically took a vicodine and went to town on legs, arm pits and bikini area. It was worth it. Now I just do it every few days with minimal pain (since most of the hair has been pulled out).
The job continues to be good. I am thankful. I rarely think about the people at my old job. Except to wonder if they are still as miserable. Random fact - the guy who had my job left it to be on a reality tv show. We all watched the first night - he got kicked off. Bummer.
I, yet again, had a moment where I realized I need to be more grateful for the blessings in my life. Nothing major, just a basic realization that I am in one of those "up" periods of life and we all know that life is cyclical so we should really enjoy the ups and prepare for the downs.
I hate that with the economy the way it is, you can save but never, ever make money on your money.
When I was twelve, you made about 8% interest on 2 year CDs. Now we are lucky if we get 0.8% interest on money.
Blame the crash! The FED has the money faucet wide open.
I'm all about celebrating and enjoying the ups.