Talking to people can make you realize that really, it's not that bad that you are just that cool!
Others just don't get it!
I'm rarely on here. Don't know why. I guess I just feel that I haven't "needed" it. Ya?! - some people hate the question mark and exclamation point, i'm a firm believer and user.

I went to the beach recently with my entire family. 12 of us total. Some would think we are a mad bunch, but to the naked eye, we love each other. It was great. One of the best family vacations ever!
I recently celebrated my 5 year wedding anniversary. This is us before going out.

8 years with the same person. It's a good life.
All in all i'm still alive. Happy. Working. Thinking. Ejoying every minute.

I hope you all are good as well.
Sleep tight.

I think I'm going to send you email.