This entry is dedicated to Pearl from 227!
That crazy Pearl! Always lookin' out the window, gettin' the lastest scoop on the neighborhood. Why, I bet Pearl even saw some fire trucks with the ladders out today! Oh I've talked to Pearl a few times. MmmHmm. Pearl is a good person. Just don't piss the Pearl off!
And then there's this :
I know someone who would love this! Cruisin' through the city, flashin' his G'$! You know who you are gangsta!
This is such a mixed bag of an entry! It's for someone special! They know who they are.
Some questions for you all:
1. If you were stranded on an island, and you had to choose one fruit to live off of what would it be?
2. Given the opportunity to see one band that's broken up play one more time, who would it be?
3. Jelly beans or chocolate?
4. The last nightmare you had ?

That crazy Pearl! Always lookin' out the window, gettin' the lastest scoop on the neighborhood. Why, I bet Pearl even saw some fire trucks with the ladders out today! Oh I've talked to Pearl a few times. MmmHmm. Pearl is a good person. Just don't piss the Pearl off!
And then there's this :

I know someone who would love this! Cruisin' through the city, flashin' his G'$! You know who you are gangsta!

This is such a mixed bag of an entry! It's for someone special! They know who they are.

Some questions for you all:
1. If you were stranded on an island, and you had to choose one fruit to live off of what would it be?
2. Given the opportunity to see one band that's broken up play one more time, who would it be?
3. Jelly beans or chocolate?
4. The last nightmare you had ?
Love the Glove
So we may have inadvertently invented wine coolers a year before those B & J mofos.