I was just asked the other day if I wanted to be in a band. I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, I'd love to, and then the other I did that already. I was in a band called The PhistPhucks. All girls. Good times. Good times when we played. There was so much drama. I know there is always differences in bands but with girls. Well, that's a whole other story. So much back stabbing. I remember at some band meetings, i'd be on the floor with pillows over my ears. Seriously. I did not want to hear any of the petty shit so I'd tell them when they were ready to shut up and play, tell me. I LOVE music. I LOVE playing. I don't love drama. Also, if I ever play again, with a band that is, i'd like to play a more rockabilly type. This is an all girl, math rock band. I wouldn't mind playing with some guys and have lyrics about some good shit, not getting laid or going down on a girl. We shall see.
Today marks the 1 year anniversary at my jizzle job. The pay sucks but you know what? I'm pretty darn tootin' happy there. I feel very appreciated for the work I do and my co-workers are a great bunch of gals.
My obsessions at this very moment:
sunflower seeds
Sonic Youth
getting creative with omelets
running, but that's not new and it never get's old!
wanting to move to the country
laughing in a high pitch voice, long and valley like to let my coworkers know when my work is done - seriously they love it!
Have a totally tripindicualr day dudes!
Love the Glove
and i see that you're still one of the hottest bass players ever. right on.
Just a Monday Hello from me to you.......hope it's a good un' !